

NZ Diary


私が今日初めて知ったこと。 ①ジャーマンケーキは沖縄ならではのケーキだった! ②ジャーマンケーキはドイツじゃなくてアメリカ生まれのケーキ! えーっと。急に言われてもなんのこと?と思いますよね。きっと。 沖縄には「ジャーマンケーキ」と呼ばれる ココ…


今週、娘たちが楽しみにしていたものが届きました♡ 沖縄の実家から届いた小包。 たくさんのお菓子やドリンクが入っています。 この他に、娘たちがいつも1番喜ぶ「駄菓子セット」も入ってました! 「サイエンススイーツ」は姉がテレビで見て買ってくれたもの…

Daffodil Day

今日は8月最後の金曜日。 NZでは、毎年この日はDaffodil Day(水仙の日)と呼ばれる 癌に対する啓蒙活動や研究資金を集める募金活動の日となっています。 8月に入ると、街のあちこちで募金を呼びかける光景を目にします。 今日は娘たちの学校でもMufti Day…

Good morning!

おはようございます 今日もネルソンは良い天気です 楽しい日曜日になりますように~


今日はイライラすることがあって気分がすっきりしなかったので 気晴らしにカフェでお茶したい~ケーキ食べたい~!と思ったけれど カフェが閉まる時間帯だったので(こっちのカフェは4時ごろ閉まるところが多いです。) スーパーでチョコビスケットを買って…

I'm on a trip!

Hello, everyone! I'm in Queenstown now. I've been traveling around the South Island, NZ since last Saturday. It's been a week and I have three more nights left. I've been having a good time! I did some activities, such as Star Watching Tou…

Two months!

It’s been two months since I arrived in New Zealand! Um… I don’t know if it’s quick or slow… But I feel I’ve been here for a long time and it’s been a while since I saw my friends and family last in Japan. Anyway… I feel better about my se…

6, Aug, Sun

It’s been raining all day today! Nooooo!!! Since it’s raining, I just stayed home all day. I felt bored in the morning, so I baked Apple Muffins. (^^) Because we have lots of apples lately, it’s nice to use some for baking. I did well this…

First month.

It’s been a month since I arrived in Nelson, New Zealand. Yesterday was the first month day. I had a good time on my special day. I went to the Saturday Market, drive to the country side, worked at the caf??. I was feeling down until early…

26, July, Wed

It was a lovely day again! It’s warm and the sky is clear! It makes me feel happy! Ben and I went to The Restaurant for lunch and we enjoyed our meal. After lunch, we were so full! So, we took a walk to a bakery to buy some bread and also …

22, July, Sat

It was a very lovely day! It was sunny all day! The wind was cold though. Anyway, since it was a perfect day to go out, Ben and I went to the Saturday Market in the town. It was busy as always, and we just looked around for a while. Nothin…

18, July, Tue

I woke up earlier than usual this morning. Well, actually, it’s not early for other people. (^^;;) It’s just normal time, eight o’clock. (^^;;) I turned on a TV and watched some programs for kids. It was first time to watch TV in the morni…

17, July, Mon

Today’s Ben and my plan… Go to a caf?? to ask about available position Go to a new Sushi shop and have some for lunch Go to see the movie, Pirates of the Caribbean I saw a sign on a window at a caf?? yesterday and it says “PART TIME”. I go…

15, July, Sat

I just relaxed in the morning. And, Ben’s penpal, M-san visited us so we spent some time with three of us. She’s looking for a flat so we talked about it. After getting a job, I also have to get a place to stay. So I should concern about i…

14, July, Fri

I slept a lot and woke up around ten o’clock. Well, it’s usual for me. (^^;;) My day always begin with checking emails and blogs for about an hour. Then, I have breakfast if I’m hungry and get dressed. Ben and I were going to see the movie…

13, July, Thu

It was a very nice sunny day today! My clothes which I washed yesterday were all dry in the morning! (^^) I feel pretty good when it’s a beautiful day! I had small trouble with Ben and it made me upset and feel not good during day but I fe…

12, July, Wed

I’ll try to keep a diary in English from now on. Again, I don’t know how long it lasts though. (^^;;) When I woke up, it seemed to be a sunny day, so I washed some of clothes and put them out to dry. However, the nice weather gone away aro…