

14, July, Fri

I slept a lot and woke up around ten o’clock. Well, it’s usual for me. (^^;;)

My day always begin with checking emails and blogs for about an hour.
Then, I have breakfast if I’m hungry and get dressed.

Ben and I were going to see the movie, Pirates of Caribbean
but he didn’t feel well enough for going out so we decided not to go.
That’s fine. We’ll go sometime next week.
Actually, it’s good because now it’s a school holiday, and it ends on this weekend,
so the movie theatre might be busy.

He stayed at home and I went to the town. I was looking for a pair of jeans.
Because it’s school holiday, every shops have been doing sale.
I went to some shops and tried some clothes.
At the end, I bought a new pair of jeans finally.
Actually, it took a long time until I decided to buy one.
I tried two jeans and both looked okay.
However, it’s sad because it’s almost impossible for me to fit the jeans perfectly
because I have to cut a lot! Oh, my poor short legs… (^^;;)

Anyway, I guess I was in a fitting room for fifteen or twenty minutes. (^^;;)
But, I finally bought one so I feel good now, and it was a good price.

I bought a takeaway Falafel Kebab for lunch and had it in the Queens Garden. It’s very peaceful place. (^^)

After coming back home, Ben and I baked Apple cake because we have lots apples.
We looked at a recipe on Edmonds Cookery Book which is the most famous cookery book in New Zealand.
It’s a nice book and has many recipes but it doesn’t have many pictures
so I have no idea what foods look like sometimes. (^^;;)
And also, directions on recipes are sometimes too easy, I mean “not many details”,
so it sometimes difficult to know if I’m doing okay or not.

As a result, our Apple cake turned out “okay” this time. (^^;;) Ben liked it.
It wasn’t so sweet, so it’s good. It’s like sliced apples in scones.

We watched some DVDs. Ben has many DVDs, movies and TV programs (mostly British).

Ah, I called my family in Japan. They are all doing fine, it’s good. (^^)